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Yellow Water Lily


Private Sessions


One-on-one sessions are perfect for people who want to get a more in-depth and personalized yoga experience. Maybe you want to learn a series that you can do from home on your own.  Joining a yoga class as a new student may feel intimidating (I know it did for me)! Some people are just beginning their yoga journey and would like to learn a little about yoga before attending a class for the first time. Private yoga sessions help new practitioners get a foundation so that they feel more comfortable in a group class. 


​Private virtual sessions are also beneficial to those who have experienced trauma and who may feel more comfortable integrating or desensitizing their trauma in the comfort of their own home. During your session, we can stop to discuss things that may come up, talk about poses you may be having difficulty with, and find a sequence that feels achievable. All private sessions are tailored to your goals!​


Semi-Private Sessions

Semi-private sessions are a great way to cost-share your yoga experience. Up to 3 people of your choosing may join in this session. Your ideal yoga partners should have similar yoga goals and closely match your abilities. This type of session can run like a traditional class, or we can stop and "workshop" poses that may feel more challenging. Being virtual allows you to do yoga with friends and family all over the country! Or if your co-yogis are nearby you can gather in one place to enjoy yoga together.


***Please contact me to for booking.***

Semi-Private Sessions

Extended Side Angle

Strengthens legs and spine, opens hips, lengthens side body. 

Working Out at Home
Half-Moon to the Back
Seated Side Body Stretch

Seated Side Bend 

Opens the hips, improves spine mobility, and stretches the obliques, lats, and shoulders.

Half Moon To The Back

Backbends are energizing, build heat, activate the core, strengthen legs, and stretch hips and lower back.

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